5 Steps to Successfully Onboarding

Onboarding new personnel coming from a small company to a large one, and vice versa, can be difficult.

Step 1: Set Clear Expectations

Are your processes conflicting with what new staff are familiar with? Be clear from the start what the onboarding process will require, layout clear timelines, and be transparent about what you expect from new staff from the start.

  • Be clear about what you need from them.
  • Clearly lay out timelines and commit to them.
  • Communicate regularly.

Step 2: Structured Training, Resources and Guides

Take the time to provide new personnel with training or a “how to” guide on the onboarding steps. Resources are a great way to keep new personnel engaged and looked after while they navigate requirements on their end.

Step 3: Involve the Team

If you’re onboarding someone to a larger team than they’re used to, make sure the new staff member gets access and face time with the main people they will deal with. This will also give them an understanding of how the different departments communicate and function.

If you’re onboarding someone to a smaller team, involve them in activities or informal chats that occur day-to-day. Small teams can feel exclusive to those that aren’t in the “inner circle”. Make sure they feel part of the team.

Step 4: Communicate Effectively

Whether a small or large team, prioritize communication. Central organizational information keeps everyone on the same page, and that should start from the moment of onboarding.

Personal touch points from HR, the hiring manager, and other members of the team will keep the process moving and create a smooth transition.

Step 5: Feedback and Continuous Improvement

This may be uncomfortable for some. But allow for the new staff member to provide feedback on the process they just went through. HR and hiring managers should be proactive in asking for feedback and seek possible improvements to the onboarding process.

In doing so, you will not only find blind spots in your own processes and make improvements, but this will make the voice and opinion of the new team member valued and heard.

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